Friday, December 28, 2012

Skin Diseases That Attack Our Pet Dog

In addition to several types of diseases such as worms and viral diseases no longer a disease that attacks the skin of our pet dog. Skin diseases if we attack dogs should not be underestimated. Moreover, the skin disease can be a cause of a dog is listless, tired and listless because of unhealthy skin.

Some of the skin disease scabies and ringworm is unknown. Scabies is a skin disease that is often caused by a parasite and is quite commonly found in dogs. This type of skin disease can be transmitted through direct contact with dogs suffering or indirectly.

Dog when attacked by scabies usually be seen frequently scratching his itchy due plagued by parasites. If not treated the dog's skin can fold-fold and spread throughout the body so that the dogs fur fall out and become bald. While ringworm is a skin disease caused by a type of fungus.

This disease should be aware of because it can spread to humans. The disease is caused by moisture in the skin of a dog, so if you run showers or wet Dry the dog hair until it is completely dry. This disease can be recognized from the denuded skin, like a ring with a red rim.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dogs are animals that serve as human companions

Before we discuss about purebred dogs, it may be useful if we know and recognize the dog classification. As we already know, dogs are mammals that have undergone changes ranging from wolves about 15,000 years ago or even to 100,000 years ago.

It is based on genetic evidence found in the form of fossils and DNA testing has been done. The study of fossils and DNA testing is carried out to reveal the history of dog domestication conducted recently.

As we already know, at this time the dog has grown and divided into several races. The dogs race at this time there is not just one or two types, but with hundreds of diverse variations. As has been often we know, from the dog breeds that have a height of only tens of centimeters as Chihuahua samapi Irish Wolfhound breed whose height can reach more than one meter.

The dogs race also has a diverse body specs anyway. Such as the color of fur that is owned by a different dog. For example, a dog coat color from white to black, red, gray, or more commonly referred to as blue, brown and others.

In addition to a variety of fur colors, fur types of dogs are different types of hair such as short or long that may reach several centimeters in length. There are also dog hair or hair that is straight or curly, coarse-textured or smooth as woll yarn.

Here are some types of dog breeds are often encountered;
Chihuahua dog

Chihuahua dog is one of the smallest breed of dog races. Chihuahua dog was given the name by the area from where he was, namely in the area of ​​Chihuahua, Mexico. According sandard recognized by the AKC Kennel Club America which is the body, the dog is named Chihuahua is divided into two kinds of dogs. The first type of dog Chihuahua Chihuahua is a breed of dog that has long hair and the second type is the type of Chihuahua fluffy and smooth.

Chihuahua is a dog that many people choose to maintain. In addition to adorable, this dog is also very funny. With the bangs from the fur to the front, and the ears are cute too colour standing, Chihuahua dog is able to disarm the viewer. Son of a Chihuahua is often referred to as hamster face shape and also a little flat, very small and thin feathers so many people are fooled by the specification of the dog.
Boxer Dogs

Boxer dog is a purebred dog breed. In the classification of dog breeds, boxer belongs to the group of dogs that are commonly used as a police dog. Boxer dog has the ability to run in open space with very old. Apart from being a good runner dog, boxer dog is also a strong Aning. Boxer dogs often use a stocky front legs to hit his opponent when fighting. Thus easily he knocked down his opponent.
Affenpinscher Dogs

Affenpinscher dog is one kind of dog breeds are often referred to as a dog toy or toy breeds. This toy dog ​​rise from Germany were found around the 1600s. Before becoming a dog as a toy, a dog was once used mainly as the dogs were used to hunt rodents on farms and also in residential areas. Specifications dog has fur color varies.

Affenpinscher purebred dogs fur color is usually black, gray, silver, beige, black and brown, or red. Height dogs can reach 23 to 30 centimeters and weighing 3 to 3.5 pounds. Some physical characteristics of the Affenpinscher dog is having a blunt snout, ears are symmetrical, and coarse fur and bushy.

Fur owned this breed is about 1 inch in length. Usually the hair on the tail and the butt tends to be shorter. In the neck, chest, abdomen, head and legs dog is more dense than other parts of the body surface.
Dogs Chowchow

Chowchow puppy is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. A dog that is the oldest dog breeds in the world comes from China. The main characteristics of this type chowchow dog fur is thick and soft, black mouth and tongue, as well as owned dogs hind legs are not bent, so that when this type of dog is running, it ran way they will look stiff.

This dog has a specification body like a small bear or lion. According to a history of about 2000 years ago a dog was used to pull the sleigh, wagon, herding cattle, carrying the load, keep the goods and so forth.

However, most of the people of China as the place origin chowchow puppy is also used to use the dog as a pet can be consumed meat and is also used as a substance taken from the fur clothing. Chowchow puppy's character is fairly benign. Besides this dog was loyal and respectful and serious in doing what he did against the employer. These dogs are also included in the type of dog breeds that are sensitive to heat.
Dalmation Dog

Dalmation dog breed is one that is very popular with his skin color to white with black spots that look. But sometimes we can also see this dalmation dog color color brown stains on the white leather. The origin of this dalmation dog is from the province of the State Dalmaria Croatia.
Retriever dogs

Ajning next race is the Golden Retriever breed. These dogs are deliberately bred dog breeds to be used as hunting dogs to retrieve the catch birds that have been shot. The dog breed is a dog or puppy retriever taker who finds and takes the catch AAU human hunting both waterfowl or wild birds for hunting. Golden dog retriever called because when he was in the sun, his fur will look golden or golden.

These dogs were bred to be used as a dog that has a high fiber intuition enjoying the water. When the dog is taking the prey animal, it will not ruin the game by way of a subtle bite, so the game is not broken. Intelligence possessed dog is very diverse which makes it a multifunctional dog.

These dogs are not only used in the search for prey, these dogs are also often used for drug sniffer dogs, rescue dogs or more commonly referred to as search and rescue, guide dogs as well as hunting dogs. Character owned this dog among friendly, patient, and always acting to please his owner. This is what makes this a golden retriever as one of the family dog ​​who is very famous in the world.

Thus the discussion of purebred dogs in this article. Actually there are many types of dog breeds that are still circulating out there. However, the types of dogs above are sufficiently representative to discuss the dog this time. The dog is an animal that is currently widely used as human companions. In addition to its loyal to his master, the dog is also often used as a friend or partner work for some people. May be useful!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How to take care Retriever Dog Breed

Daily care 
Impound the dog Goldie serves to train the discipline. Basically no matter Goldie grounded, especially when no one is watching, so the risk of injury (electrical shock, chemical medicine, swallowing a foreign body) can be minimized.

To avoid boredom, and for the health of dogs, at certain hours they had a chance to play in the yard. If you do not have a yard, at least 1x a day invited to walk out of the house. in addition to sports (Goldie and owner), also for socialization into the new orang2.

Hair Care
Indeed, the cold temperatures, will be more fluffy fur. Because naturally, your body will adapt in order not to freeze. how to grow and thicken cotton fleece. if the room without ac, no problem. The important thing is good air circulation and always stable in dry conditions. For treatment of dogs, can be wiped with a cloth every day Kanebo to retain moisture and clean up of dust. Hair growth is also strongly influenced by nutrition (food) and vitamin fur. So basically do regular dog grooming, dog lovers sometimes some dogs go to the salon for treatment. In the salon where dogs can also add information about a pet dog.

To eat, to give Dog Food. There are some brands can be used, depending on the needs of dogs. For pregnant and lactating mother, could use a super-premium dog food special premium of pregnant and lactating mother and puppies.

For dogs within the idle position (not pregnant / lactating, not puppies), they may be below grade dogfood. Besides being more efficient, as well as needed.

Dogfood dose given depends on the condition of the dog, although the ingredients in each bag of food is stated dose, sometimes does not match the dog's condition. Sometimes a good dog food is expensive does not match the dog's digestive system, so the food will be wasted and the growth of the dog to be disturbed. Foresight dog owners to observe the development and if it should, try different brands, is indispensable.

Dogs Should be Bathed Correctly

Throughout the dog's body temperature warm water of 40 derjad celcius. Bathe with a good quality dog ​​shampoo. Caress your dog with soft fur. At this time, you must take is not to shampoo into the dog's eyes or ears. If the whole body a lot of soap, buttocks should be pressed using hot water and spray, and use a soft cloth to rub it clean. Then his ears blown, so the dog wagged his body, then use a towel to dry his body. After that we can use a blow dryer, so that his fur is completely dry, and put on medication to clear his eyes. Clean dirt and water that is in the ear, using a cotton-flops are given. If the ear is still there in a little water, it usually can cause ear infections, even in the ear can not have fur, but also could not be reversed until exhausted. Fur on the tip of the foot should be cut to the net, there are also fur between the toes. According to the type of dog, you should clean the whiskers and fur on the tip of the ear. For cutting the nails, you use a nail file, so that the tapered bristles become rounded. Fur all over the body must be combed through neatly. For long-haired dogs such as Shih Tzu, a feather on his head should be held together with tape, then sprinkled with perfume. If you want to clean dirt in your teeth, should be done in time before the bath. If your dog is not excited, his body seems unwell or after giving birth, do not force him to bathe. However, if the fur is really dirty, so less unsightly, you can use a towel soaked in hot water and squeezed. Use a warm towel to wipe the body clean. Good luck.

How to Train Dogs With It?

Since ancient times, dogs are an integral part of the community. In addition to the security guard house, the dog also has multiple functions such as: keep track of drugs, looking for traces of people / criminals, herding livestock, as an experiment in laboratory animals, leading the blind and many other uses. Keep a dog is a fun hobby. That said, one dog pets that want to understand and be able to "give back" their owners. These animals are also multi function. Function this command can be fostered through training so the dog can be encouraged to communicate and understand "the" owner. Most people get a dog to be a friend to play as well as a reliable home guards. 

Beginner hobbyists often complain, because it's hard to make the dog obedient and easy to get along with a new employer. Especially if you do not wear trainers, would be more complicate. Well, below I will give you the solution, about how "down" train the dog yourself. Enough to train yourself hobbyist.

Giving Valentines
Love is the most important capital, to make the dog to be obedient and affectionate reply to his master. When you first become acquainted with the dog, prospective employers must hold, stroking his head or patting the dog's chin and chest to be bought. This method will allow the hobbyist to quickly familiar with the dog. Dogs have instincts or instinct is quite strong. Even sharper than a human instinct. If he is treated like that, his instinct would say that he has the affection of strangers it.

Similarly, if the dog has become one of our family members at home. We should more often reprimanded or called his name at every opportunity. Whether it's time to go to work or when going home. If the dog responded by barking, you need to stroke his head, tapped his chin or chest. If the tail wagging its tail, then he's in a state of happiness. Better yet, if you always carry a small can of food with bread, sliced ​​meats and more.

Familiarize dogs also each member of the family, people close to your home or guest. The trick is to introduce the dog's name to people known to the family, so everyone who can come in a place that will see his name every time.

Often took a walk, that dog was protected even outside the home environment. Instead, he would be angry if they see anyone trying to harass the employer.

Every time you do the basic training on the dog, the dog try to eat or give something that makes him happy.
Training a dog to sit. The first step is to press the lower back gently. Every time you make a sentence saying that the command to sit. If the dog has to obey commands and can sit still, give him praise and provide snacks.

Exercise the dog pee. Often we are bothered by our dog defecate in any place.  know the dog defecate in a place that is not the place, take it and show him then dispose of the place we want. If done repeatedly, , the dog will understand and obey our will.

Recognizing the dog exercise room. Every time a bell rings means there is a guest house, ordered the dog to bark. if the guests were people we know, we quickly ordered the dog to stop barking and walk away with a friendly greeting. The dog must be able to distinguish each of the guests who come visit our home.

Usually for dogs as young as 4-7 months, still has a mischievous nature. For example, like dropping objects in the house, damaging the sofa, take food on the table and others. If you know it, you prepare a paper roll of paper like a club in dogs. Thus, the dog will realize that what was wrong, and did not feel hurt.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Keep a Dog at Home

The presence of a dog in the house can add to the happiness in the family. Dogs often become an animal that has been considered by a human family member. In fact, for some people, they are considered dogs as their best friend. So that the term that dogs are man's best friend.

Why dogs can be regarded as man's best friend? There are several major reasons so that title can be given to dogs, among others:
Emotional relationship between dogs and humans to be reciprocated. Dogs have benefited from the attention of his employer. Similarly, humans can lead to feelings of pleasure with the presence of dogs. Even to appear anecdotally that the dog is more faithful than a wife or husband. Indeed, if the dog is well trained and well cared for, then the dog will show loyalty to his master. Even dogs can cry if there is no master in the long term. In one incident, a dog waiting on the tomb of his master's faithful even when his master died, until finally the dog was also dead in the tomb of his master.
In some nursing homes in foreign countries, dogs are also provided as a playmate for the aged or the elderly. Thus, for humans, feeling lonely and useless will disappear with the presence of a dog near them.

Dogs can also be a protection for employers. For example, German Shepherd dog or shepherd dog is proven to protect the natural and better than the house alarm.
Dogs can provide assistance, such as the dog becomes a guide to the blind. Or when a natural disaster, dogs can also search for the missing victim.

However, besides the many advantages of a dog, there are also disadvantages to consider when deciding to keep a dog at home. Loss of a dog that is the responsibility of such increased cost of raising and basic needs. In addition, there are other losses if the dog is damaging property or injuring someone else. Hygiene and health problems as well as the dog poop, dog hair, diseases such as rabies, also be an additional factor to consider if you want a dog.

Well, if you then decide to keep a dog in the house, make sure that you first consider the following tips on choosing a dog:
Note the character and nature of the dog that will be taken home. Whether the dog is friendly or aggressive type type. You can ask the owner if your dog is given a dog. Or if you buy from a pet shop, you can request information about the habits and character of the dog. For example, although the Golden Retriever dog big dog who likes to make friends with anyone. While the Terriers are small and petite is the kind of aggressive and ferocious dogs.

Male and female dogs have different properties. Female dogs are usually easier to manage. While the male dog is more aggressive and active. In addition, male dogs usually have an adventurous spirit, so that if left unchecked, could have a dog is lost. If you want a dog in the house, choose a female dog. However, if you want to use as a guard dog, choose a male dog.

Puppies are usually more easily trained than adult dogs. However, you should be more patient as a puppy raising raising a newborn child and a child.

Caring the Dog to Stay Healthy

Routine care is given to dogs at the dog looks beautiful and healthy. These are some things you should do:

Fur around the eyes
Fur around the eyes should be neat and clean, not covered or even get into the eye as this will obviously interfere with vision and the dog will often rubbed his eyes can become irritated as a result.

Inner and outer ear should be in a clean condition. Sure, most dogs do not usually like them ears cleaned but this should be socialized.

Cutting the nails should be extra careful not to cut nails too deep, can-can bleed and the dog will give up her nails cut. Nails should be cut is somewhat murky nail color and white, it is called the nail off. Well if it is black dog's nails are very hard to distinguish where the nail where the nail of life and death, then cut just the tip of a sharp fingernail.

If your dog eat dry dog ​​food health and hygiene teeth is no big deal but she ate dog food if wet then you should be diligent in cleaning the teeth with a damp cotton and give toys to chew, chew, it is to avoid food remains stuck in teeth . If plaque is stuck and hardened it difficult to clean even though the dog has been busy-busy biting his toys. In a clinic or salon service dogs now have clean teeth, great right. When his plaque was already thick and stubborn dogs anesthetized usually use event all but safe, do not forget to look for a trusted clinic or salon.

Hairs on the body
Do not forget to hairy dogs or length should always be combed to avoid tangles and dirt can fall. Matted fur that is not necessarily beautiful to look at. If necessary you can also trim the hairs that are considered long you can even be creative with their feathers ... what model would be cut or what accessories would be, definitely funny and make you more diligent in caring for their feathers.