Monday, February 27, 2012

Japanese Akita Inu Breed Dog

 Akita Inu breed dog (akita dog) is one of Japan's dogs. The official name of this breed is Akita Inu. Outside of his hometown in Akita Prefecture, a large dog is called Ken Akita (akita dog also means). These dogs are not the same as the American Akita. Akita Inu is one of six Japanese breeds of dog. These dogs include a new breed, and new breeds of dogs recognized as about 100 years ago. Akita Inu breed dog has a great hunting abilities. Because of the size and courage, Akita Inu be a reliable hunting dogs, which prey of wild boar, elk, and bear large Yezo in the province of Akita.

The ancestors of fighting dogs 
Akita Akita Inu ancestor is used to matagi matagi (hunting deer and bear). In ancient times, a large dog does not exist in Japan. Matagi Akita is a medium-sized hounds to hunt bears. In the Edo period, Satake clan controlled the eastern province of Dewa (Akita region). Previously Satake clan was ruler of the province Hitachi but exchanged territory with Dewa Province after the side lost to Western Force in the Battle of Sekigahara. Satake clan Tokugawa shogunate treated as daimyo tozama military power is very limited.

Around the year 1630, Satake clan followers advocated holding dog fights on the rebound battle lust. Cored Satake Satake family clan-based East Palace Kubota. Satake clan family of the other is the Western Family, Family of North, South and Families, each of which is domiciled in Ōtachi, Kakunodate, and Yuzawa. West family based in the area known as a breeder dog Ōtachi fighter matagi cross between a dog and a local dog. Dogs they produce are called Ōtachi-ken (Dog Ōtachi).

Until the Meiji era, the tradition of dog fighting in Japan is also missing. Breeders continue to marry a local dog with a dog imported from large to produce fighting dogs. Around the year 1897, dog breeders in Akita Prefecture Tosa Inu brought from Kochi Prefecture, known as fighting dogs. Tosa Inu crossed with dogs imported from the West so that his body grew large. After the First Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese are going to bring home Sakhalin Husky Sakhalin and Hokkaido Inu.

In Akita Prefecture, Akita Inu fathers continue crossed with dogs imported from the West, among which was estimated by the German engineer Mastiff pet at Kosaka Mines. In the mid-Meiji era, akita dog ancestors begin crossed with German Shepherd Dogs and Great Dane. Akita Inu born body increasingly large. At that time, erect ears and curled tail that is characteristic of Spitz dogs began to disappear.

Adu banned dogs in Akita Prefecture in 1908 because they are destroying society. Residents are so deep in dog fighting gambling so prefecture government banned dog fighting. Prohibition of dog fighting, cock fights, and fights new cattle throughout Japan Empire of Japan Police Agency conducted since July 26, 1916. After fighting dogs banned, dog breeder of Akita Prefecture experienced a period of bleak. Dogs imported from the West is becoming more popular than the local dogs. Various types of mixed-breed born of a cross with a dog imported from the West.

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