Monday, February 27, 2012

Basenji Dog Breed

Basenji dog breed race from the central African hunters. One of 14 dogs the most "primitive" in the world. In North America, basenji dog breed considered a sighthound breeds of dogs that chase and attack all prey silently. Although it can growl, basenji does not bark or bark, but can mimic barks if raised with other types of barking dogs. Basenji are small, looks elegant, short-haired dogs with erect ears, a tail with a furrowed with tension, and a soft neck. Some people equate the appearance of a miniature basenji like a small deer. Basenji's forehead wrinkled, especially when the animal is still young. Basenji eyes almond-shaped characteristics, which makes the dog look cross-eyed. Did you know that the basenji is one of the oldest and most prehistoric of all breeds of dogs? Yes and the dog was discovered by Pygmy hunters in Africa n Congo. Previous rate actually used them as pack hunters of small game to help in directing into the trap nets.
Basenji is a curly tail.

England began to see the dog basenji was brought to their country during the 1800's and well into the 1900s, but most of them did not survive due to distemper. On the other hand, sometimes during the mid-1930s, a basenji who had brought to England and became the source for all future breeds that occur outside of Africa. It was in this period when the word "basenji" was made the official name of this particular breed of dog. "Basenji" means "the bush". A large number of dogs imported to England and eventually they came to the United States. The basenji began to grow in popularity at a very fast and become household pets is very common. Sooner or later, the breeder of this breed began entering them into the dog show, which immediately affect a book about the basenji and even a Hollywood film, starring a dog.
Basenji dogs are known to be very aggressive and often exhibit behavior similar to the Terriers. These animals are very bright, curious, intelligent, and stubborn in many times. Some fans compare it with the attitude of a cat dog cat, which is protected, but independent. These dogs really enjoy chasing and hunting every chance it can get. Genetic ancestry is that the finding that these types do not bark at all, but if it does not bark it out as a scream like a short. The basenji is a fairly easy dog ​​to care for and easy to stay healthy. As I stated earlier, this type of dog has to have a lot of exercise every day. This includes both mentally and physically. You can meet the needs of your dog by taking him on the road fast and energetic dog games, such as chasing and playing fetch. It is highly recommended that you keep the basenji with a family room for the night. During the day, on the other hand, these dogs enjoy having the freedom to roam outside. If you have a fenced in yard great convenience, it allows you to play outside basenji, experts suggest, as long as there is for him to drink plenty of water and shade during hot weather.

Are you aware that the basenji dogs have a lifespan of up to 15 years? Not only that, the average time is between twelve and thirteen years. One of the biggest health problems of the basenji is that they are seen among the basenji is the basenji enteropathy, PRA, and Fanconi syndrome. Smaller concerns with basenji including umbilical hernia, PK, PPM, and hypothyroidism.

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