Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Before Deciding Have Dog

Decided to make a dog become a member of your family gives its own special impression, especially if the dog is going to put the position as the dog family and friends to play for you and your family. For that, some things may need to consider before you actually decide to have a dog. Before deciding to have a dog, should be discussed first with the entire family about who will take the time to take care of and caring for the dog, the cost should be set aside for the needs of the dog, the bed and play area. Is your neighborhood is sufficient to bring a dog, such as where the dog will defecate, do it when the season would interfere with ruffled feathers and the environment clean in your home. Not to mention where the present time, each family generally employ maids (domestic workers), and the average housekeeper is sometimes questioned Muslims "bastard" when exposed to dog saliva. For those of you have children who are toddlers you also need to consider whether it is right time to have a dog, because with the dog, you should divide your time between taking care of your child or your dog. Once you decide to have a dog, then the tips have an obligation to treat a dog the dog will continue to be binding as long as the dog is still there, but this may not be a problem, which means if it is between you and the dogs have emotional ties, where you can with a vengeance careful attention and affection to your pet dog, because it was from the days of our ancestors has been proven that dogs can be a reliable friend of man. When you are ready with the things mentioned above, you can enter the stage of selecting the type of dog.

Once the decision was made to have a dog, then the next step is to select the desired dog. Many considerations in choosing a breed of dog, like a goal you have a dog, sex, hair, and a dog's life.

Consideration of the purpose of your own dog is very important, because it relates to the type of dog that you can choose to remember that every dog ​​has its own character.
 If you want a breed of dog that is friendly to all members of the family, the type of dog that could be an option is a shih tzu, poodle, golden retriever, labrador retriever, maltese, pug, chow chow or a beagle. Conversely, if you want a guard dog, the breed of dog rottweiler, shepherd / german shepherd, Doberman or a boxer can be selected. Chihuahua, Teckel, miniature pinscher, Pomeranian schnauzer westie or could be an option if you want a dog that likes to bark but not fierce (alarm dog).
 In addition to the nature and character of the dog, the dog's body size should be considered separately. Maintaining a big dog would give the impression of steady and pride for the owner, but it should be noted, such a dog requires a wider space for freedom of movement. For dogs, moving it is important to bone health and growth.
 In contrast to small-sized dog, needs room to move and the food is not as big and as much as large dogs. Being small dogs (toys) are very suitable for urban environments are maintained in a restricted area home.

The sex of the dog also needs to be considered since there are differences in character between male and female dogs. Male dog with sturdiness and muscular. Tend to be more aggressive, dominant and destructive nature, so it takes extra time to care for and train it. Male dogs do not have children, but still can have children with conduct pemacakan with female dogs. Especially if your dog is a descendant of the seeds were seeded and trained well, then your dog may be superior to services pemacakan stud dog with a similar race. Female dogs are more easily trained, obedient and wants more attention. Traits of female dogs is more clean, quiet, sensitive and adaptable. But do not forget the adult female dogs have periods 2 times a year, and once menstruation can be about 3 weeks.

If you have a dog, it is definitely home neighborhood will not be separated from the name of dog hair, you will require extra time and effort to clean up your pet dog hair in every corner of the house, regardless of the time that should be provided to take care of the dog's fur itself. Because of this, kind of dog hair that your pet will be well to consider.  The long-haired dog is very interesting and beautiful to behold, but the treatment for a long haired dog is much more difficult than short haired dogs. If you like the long-haired dog, you must be willing to take the time to take care of the dog's fur. In today's world, in urban areas, many special services for the treatment of long-haired dogs, so dog salon visit can be an alternative for dogs who like long hair but do not have much time maintaining it. Treatment for short-haired dog, almost nothing, just a wash and brush it regularly. If there is an attached tick is also relatively easy to handle.
In addition to long or short hair, you probably will also consider the color of fur. Dog coat colors are very limited, typically ranging from white, black, brown, reddish brown, gray. There are some dogs that have a combination of several colors at once, such as a type of beagle, which can fur color combination of black, white and brown.

Old Dog
In choosing a dog, you need to estimate the age of dog you want, whether you want a dog from a small, or adult dogs that had formed the habit. Getting a dog is more impressive than the small, cute puppy demeanor more, because his behavior was like to play that sometimes can create annoyance and laughter to the viewer. Emotional bond between dog owners with more established, and the owner can still form the nature of the dog and directing habits according to the desires of the dog. But keep a puppy just like to keep the baby that needs a lot of attention. Hence why puppies should be vaccinated on a regular basis, because the puppy is still susceptible to the disease that often can threaten its survival.
 The puppy is still frequent bowel movements and feces indiscriminately and more often than adult dogs and puppies sometimes can take his own feces. Still like to bite bite objects, so often you will have bitten old carpet, sandals / shoes are damaged, a table leg or other equipment of interest to the dog to bite. In this case the role is to determine whether the owner of the puppy could grow up with good habits or vice versa.
 Maintaining an adult dog is not too difficult, because every habit is formed, you only have to continue its maintenance only. It's just that the new owner must be prepared to accept what is, including the character and habits of the dog, if necessary, can ask the previous owner of the habits that need to be continued.

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